sexta-feira, 26 de março de 2010

Lady Gaga: "thanks for copying my style."

Lady Gaga, who released his first album last year, thanks to Christina Aguilera for copying his style. "People started to know me after that." The singer, who scored big with their first single, "Just Dance", was declaring that Aguilera had inspired her in her new look - blonde hair and smooth, with fringe. Aguilera denied: "I do not know her! Do not even know who she is, to be honest." Well, with this even Lady Gaga agrees: "It was this shack with Aguilera that put me on the map."

sexta-feira, 19 de março de 2010

BBB 10

The seven participants in the race Linea de resistance that it is so desired leadership. The orange group (Dourado, Lia, Cadu, Fernanda) and blue (Sergio, dices, Anamara) are separated into two environments, they have to face a test of technology Fiat Linea.

Still in the race: Dourado, Dicesar and Cadu .
I'm rooting for the Dourado \ o


sexta-feira, 5 de março de 2010

Beyoncé and Ivete (:

Ivete Sangalo received a "souvenir" of Beyoncé after his trip to Brazil. Tuesday, 2, a Bahian showed in their Twitter a photo sent by the singer, who finds the two already in the dressing room after the presentation.

Ivete Sangalo wrote on the Twitter: "Fofíssima, me mandou essa foto linda. Eu já toda suada depois do show."

Beyonce and Jay Z romantic stroll in Miami ! *-*

Beyonce and Jay Z took a break from the tour of the singer, who performed in Brazil and other Latin American countries, to enjoy a romantic stroll in Miami. Close together and exchanging many concerns, they toured the ship during the weekend.

ouun *-* this is sweet !